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Thursday, July 31, 2003
![]() Quote of the Day: "Okaaaay. Leaving you all now. Don't you miss me, I'll be back with drawings before you can say "theirloveissocanon!" --Moni
Priscilla said at 7:06 PM ![]() Pool Party IV: Raisin-Toed Revenge
Priscilla said at 4:36 PM ![]() Only because Sam made it!
![]() You are Ravenclaw! You ponder. You think about stuff. You tend to remain neutral. You are probably a geek, but at least you're not a bloody Gryffindor, right? The Not So Bloody Obvious Sorting Hat brought to you by Quizilla Priscilla said at 12:07 PM ![]() Happy Birthday to JK Rowling and Harry Potter!
Priscilla said at 11:28 AM ![]() Alas. The Bush administration has jumped the shark. *is amused*
Priscilla said at 12:52 AM ![]() Priscilla said at 12:38 AM
Wednesday, July 30, 2003
![]() Priscilla said at 3:39 PM ![]() Things that make me happy this morning:
Priscilla said at 1:20 PM ![]() This shopkeeper should have paid more attention to his Monty Python. (link courtesy of Alicey)
Priscilla said at 1:30 AM
Tuesday, July 29, 2003
![]() SQUEE! DaVinci's Notebook is coming to Bryn Mawr on October 24! I am SO going to be there! ::jumps around in a circle, squealing::
Priscilla said at 10:23 PM ![]() *dies*
I WANT TO HAVE THE PHOTOSHOP HEALING BRUSH TOOL'S BABIES. Priscilla said at 6:29 PM ![]() I just got an email that said
Make Ninjas - Not WAR! I am pleasantly confused, but I find I really don't mind. Priscilla said at 5:38 PM ![]() Mmmm, nothing like a righteous smiting to get your day going right.
::sips cold drink:: Ahhh, smitey-licious. Priscilla said at 2:39 PM ![]() Muahahaaha! Have finished plotting out my Penn schedule! Now I can be free to do whatever I want! Mwaha!
... That is, as soon as I finish (start) the website for my mom's friend. Wah. Priscilla said at 2:26 PM ![]() Mini!Millie's Mom is wearing Nightcrawler pants! *squeals*
Not that I notice that kind of thing or anything. Priscilla said at 10:58 AM ![]() I need to add "Attempting to read Dutch" to my LJ-interests list.
Priscilla said at 10:56 AM ![]() After working for hours on the Ender logos, I expected to be chewed out for being two days late and for not redoing the dragon image. I had clearly forgotten that Alexander is Amazingly Cool.
You're going to be so famous one day. I'm glad I know you now, Priscilla. Those were incredible. Fan-tastic, one might say. We can talk later about the colors you didn't like and such, but I don't want to taint this email with such things.::squeaks:: Priscilla said at 9:18 AM ![]() Another reason I love Nimbus: I met so many wonderful people! Like Catja!
On a more cheerful note, I dreamed that I was reading Book 6, and it was All About Percy, specifically Percy being brave and noble and getting deflowered by a buxom barmaid. You laugh, but you will all bow before my mad prophetic powerz when JKR announces that Book 6 is entitled Harry Potter and That Heroic Hotass Percy Weasley.<3 <3 <3!!!! Priscilla said at 8:40 AM
Monday, July 28, 2003
![]() ::Sudden, abrupt freakout regarding all things related to color::
LOOK AT THIS COLOR! IT'S EVERYWHERE! OH MY GOD! ::dies of color-shock:: Priscilla said at 10:21 PM ![]() All those PROFOUNDLY disappointed with the PoA movie's Remus Lupin and Sirius Black, raise your hand. *raises hand*
Of course, I was also quite irked when I first saw Rupert Grint had been cast as Ron, but upon seeing the movie, I loved his version of the character. Let's hope Lupin and Black bring the same pleasant surprise. Besides, any director that's paying enough attention to canon subtext to give Sirius that tattoo MUST know what he's talking about. EDIT: I'm not saying I dislike them because they're not pretty. I don't want them to be pretty. Pretty is the last thing I want them to be. Well, I want Lupin to be vuagely handsome in a really, really tired way, but certainly not the devilishly attractive Lupin accepted by Fanon. My problem with Sirius is that he's not wretched enough! His hair and beard aren't near long enough. I could see Sirius cutting his hair and beard to look a bit more presentable and less like a convict to anyone that might see him, but still, bah. Not my canon. Second edit: DEAR GOD NO! Please tell me they god rid of Thewlis' horrid, hideous moustache! Please tell me that's just a trick of the light! WAH!!!! Priscilla said at 5:12 PM
Sunday, July 27, 2003
![]() ::adds Ozy and Millie to sidebar comic list::
Priscilla said at 1:01 AM ![]() Priscilla said at 12:40 AM
Saturday, July 26, 2003
![]() Oh! HAPPY 21st BIRTHDAY to my sister, Melissa. ::schnoogles:: Loff you!
Priscilla said at 2:25 PM ![]() Wah! I wish I'd known! Today is Blogathon 2003.
Priscilla said at 2:24 PM ![]() Whee! Discworld filk!
Priscilla said at 11:31 AM
Friday, July 25, 2003
![]() ::squeaks again:: 1602! Neil, Neil, Neil, Neil, Neil, Neil, SQUEE!!!!
Priscilla said at 4:51 PM ![]() ::squeak:: He's reading Good Omens!
Priscilla said at 4:42 PM ![]() Whee! I'm famous! Check out my lovely mug under "I ran into a random art party in the hall!"
Muaha. In the orange is Ali Wildgoose, and the blonde in the black Nimbus shirt is Flourish. The guy half cut off on the left (also in a black Nimbus shirt) is Aegus. Not sure about the Asian girl. And the next two links after "art party" show the art of (respectively) Maggie and Alicey. W00t! Priscilla said at 2:30 PM ![]() Pictures from last night's festivities!
The boys being utter t00bs Luke is red hot! Luke's arteries scream in terror Fried onion scaryness After fattening goop, Luke has no clue what to do with his healthy Ceasar salad Good Gravy! This is why I am less fond of Texan cuisine. EDIT: From T-Barr's camera: Behold my pliable hair! Priscilla said at 12:33 PM ![]() Just got back from Matt's house, where we (me, Matt, and warm brothers Luke and T-Barr) went swimming, had dinner, then watched a bunch of episodes of Clone High.
My love for Lincoln has just tripled. Sure, it's not even close to historically accurate, but cluelessness that acute must be kept in a tiny box and treasured. Am now considering doing a Lincoln-from-Clone-High layout for CoL in its appropriateness. But then someone might stumble upon it and just think I'm a rabid fan of the show (which is sheer, unadulterated genius, don't get me wrong). Hmm. Wah, I continue my search for an amusing layout. Images from the shindig to be posted tomorrow, when my eyes don't hurt from bright computer screens and chlorine. Priscilla said at 12:49 AM
Thursday, July 24, 2003
![]() Priscilla said at 12:13 PM
Wednesday, July 23, 2003
![]() A little help, here? In what language does "nigellus" mean "black?" ::gets back to work on WIAN::
Priscilla said at 6:31 PM ![]() Quotes from the Con:
From the Slash panel: Panelist Kate Tanski: Why do heterosexual women enjoy seeing two boys getting it on? Audience: Because it's really hot! (regarding "Daisy-Chain Draco") Panelist Vicki Dolenga: You read it and you go "what the hell did I just read?" (regarding Slash after OOP) Panelist John Walton: Oh my god, we're canon. You don't have to read much into the subtext to know that Sirius and Remus are more than friends. ::woofs:: Panelist Kate Tanski: Thank god I was a Harry/Snape slasher before this. Panelist John Walton: Percy is the new Draco. Panelist Vicki Dolenga: I'm just glad that we now have established female characters. Femme slash with Tonks, I mean come on. Audience member: Writing Hermione/Ginny is subverting the system! From the Draco panel: Aja: (Introducing) Draco Malfoy: Slimy git now and forever, or does he have redeeming qualities? Carlisle: Carlisle, known as Cedar. He's a twit. Catherine: I'm Catherine Tosenburger, and I think he's a boring twit. Cassie: I'm Cassandra Claire, and I think Draco has potential. Irina: I'm Irina, and I try to see potential in everybody. I like Draco and I will not apologize for it. Aja: No one is ambivalent. He's Mr. Darcy or he's Hitler. Irina: In canon, he's hopeless and offensive and a thorn in the side who eventually goes off into oblivion until he shouts "You killed my father! Prepare to die!" Aja: His role is to echo Harry and underline the fact that Draco is what Harry could have been and vice versa, if Draco had any regard for human life. Catherine: Dudley is getting all the development! John: In the sense that he's beating up small children! That's depth, man! Irina: That is so fanon. Irina: You can't atone for being a stupid brat. From the Fandom Vernacular panel: Panelist: We're friendly! We promise! We're just depraved! From "The Importance of Being Ron" panel: Panelist: It's the half-blind leading the blind. Panelist: Ron is a Harry/Ginny shipper. From "Sail on, Good Ship" H/H Panelist: In Prisoner of Azkaban, it's all Harry and Hermione. They're chained together, then fly off on a hippogryff, a symbol of love. (Later) H/R Panelist: Hermione doesn't like riding on the hippogryff! H/R Panelist: We look forward to the time Ron gets a clue. H/R Panelist: We as romantics put everybody together. We put Dobby and the Giant Squid together. From the "Timelines" panel: (Regarding the Aberforth-IS-Dumbledore theory) Audience member: But that would mean that it was Dumbledore prosecuted for practicing inapproprate charms on a goat. Steve Vander Ark: Of course, you're jumping to conclusions of what those inapproprate charms were. Priscilla said at 6:20 PM ![]() The League of Extraordinary Gentlepersons:
DIRECTIONS: 1. Choose five to seven characters. 2. They may be from books, movies, comics, TV shows, games, and real life--but no traditional superheroes. 3. They may be from any place in the universe, any time. They do not have to be from the same time/place as the orginal League. 4. You must identify the recruiter, the villain, and the leader, and there must be at least one female. 5. Optional, you may identify their main mode of transportation. THE LEAGUE: 1. Commander Samuel Vimes, Blackboard Monitor extraordinaire in Terry Pratchett's Discworld series Strengths: Prodding buttock and taking names Weaknesses: Poor diplomatic skills beyond the "Ankh-Morpork Handshake" 2. Thursday Next, heroine of The Eyre Affair and sequels Strengths: Vast literary knowledge, "bookjumping" ability, and pet Dodo named Pickwick. Weaknesses: Must be occasionally aided by Granny and/or Dad. 3. Aziraphale, angel, and Anthony J. Crowley, demon. Counted together because every great league must have one aspect that is simply slashtastic. Strengths: (Aziraphale) Creatively pronounceable name, fanatacal obsession with books, flaming sword, and pretense of being gayer than a tree full of monkeys on nitrous oxide. (Crowley) Ruthlessness, inventiveness, tolerance for alcohol, and snarky wit. Weaknesses: (Aziraphale) confused Witchfinder Generals. (Crowley) Holy water. 4. Rachel, from K.A. Applegate's Animorphs series Strengths: Ability to morph into the animal of her choice, unquenchable anger, capacity for violence, and ability to pick out a GAP sweater a mile away. Weaknesses: Dependence on spandex clothing for decency, hair-trigger temper, and most likely dead and/or insane by the end of the series 5. Heidy Tandy, goddess of the Harry Potter fandom Strenghts: Capable of organizing conventions, delivering babies, ruling Fandoms, clearing skyscrapers in a single bound, achieving world peace, curing world hunger and every affliction known to man, and developing a renewable, clean, lucrative energy source ALL BEFORE BREAKFAST. Weaknesses: Penchant for pickles and ice cream, together. 6. The Professor, Gilligan's Island Strengths: Ability to make a radio transmitter from coconuts Weaknesses: Can't fix the &$*(% boat 7. Boris Grishenko, from Goldeneye Strengths: Technological super-savvy. Replaced Jason Fox on the list because of his adoreable Russian accent and the fact he was played by Alan Cumming. Weaknesses: Invincible! Or not. Obsessive-compulsive habits, liquid nitrogen. THE RECRUITER: Havelock Vetinari Strengths: Sarcasm, linguistic proficiency, 1337 Assassin skillz, probable dead sexyness in youth, and a mind like a corkscrew Weaknesses: If he had them, they'd've been exploited by now. THE VILLAIN: Mary-Sues Also Considered: Inigo Montoya, Captain Jack Sparrow, Jason Fox, Rincewind, Susan Sto Helit, Granny Weatherwax, Pippin (because without Boris, we needed someone with a really cute accent), and the Weasley twins. Priscilla said at 12:45 AM
Tuesday, July 22, 2003
![]() ::looks through panel notes::
Man, I loved this convention. Less-than-threes for everyone I met there! ::begins assembling uber-review:: Priscilla said at 9:54 PM ![]() ![]() You are... 'Damn, he smells good!!!' I really don't see how an old sweaty pirate COULD smell good, but then again, it IS Captain Jack Sparrow we're talking about. What's not to like? What random made up thought from Pirates of the Caribbean are you? Priscilla said at 9:43 PM ![]() Erm.... no. That is not Sirius Black. Ask yourself how far hair grows in thirteen years, buckoes. Wah.
But Ron's sweater amuses me beyond belief, so it's all good. Priscilla said at 9:32 PM
Monday, July 21, 2003
![]() I hereby announce that my new ship is Giant Squid/Whomping Willow. Theirloveissotentacular. It's the new Harry/Draco.
But then again, the sheer perfection of Snevans leaves me breathless. Sam, you are my entire pantheon of gods. Priscilla said at 9:15 PM ![]() Working on a sort of moorish gypsy look for OoP auror Kingsley Shacklebolt, I suddenly realized I was drawing him in Nightcrawler's stripey, flared pants. And one day while shopping, I found myself looking for something resembling an image in my mind, which I later realized was the same pair of pants. Psychological issues surrounding possible obsession with Nightcrawler's pants will not be further analyzed.
Priscilla said at 8:22 PM ![]() WAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH MAGS AND STEPH ARE GONEEEEEEE!!!!!!! ::cries::
But I still have my Lishbat. ::clutches:: Until tomorrow, anyway. ::sob:: Priscilla said at 6:00 PM ![]() Whee, we're home! We got in at 2:30 AM last night, because we were making such good time that we decided that stopping at a hotel wouldn't be worth it. Then we slept a lot and then woke up and took 50 thousand showers until we felt hygenic enough to face the world, and all was merry.
The ride home was uberfun, though we pined massively for all our t00by friends we finally met in person at Nimbus. I'll post more about all the aspects of the con, but now Mags and Steph are about to leave, so the last thing I want to do is play on the computer. Mega-loff from all at Nimbus! Many of you really were there in spirit. Mon's name came up at least once every five minutes, especially in the Art Session Ali and the gang threw together. Whee! More later. Priscilla said at 5:39 PM ![]() This is Alicey hacking into Priscilla's blog (assisted by Priscilla). She is an evil t00b for taking all these dreadful pictures of me. Arrrrr.
Priscilla said at 3:06 PM
Sunday, July 20, 2003
![]() Ladies and gentlemen, the time is now 6:35 AM, Eastern Standard Time, and I have not yet been to sleep. This is the true meaning of Convention.
And now, if only Steph would roll over so that she is no longer sprawled over occupying the entire bed, I could turn in myself. Wah. Priscilla said at 6:44 AM
Saturday, July 19, 2003
![]() Steph is t00b of all t00bs.
MUA HA HA HA HA! Priscilla said at 6:42 PM ![]() Stephanie and I have decided that Magsby must draw sexy versions of every physically unattractive character in the canon, starting with Hagrid, Dumbledore, and Fudge. Muahahahhaaha!
Though I could be easily placated by a Magsby drawing of say, Kurt. ::coughs:: (She promised she would draw me one! SQUEESQUEESQUEE!!!!) Priscilla said at 6:07 PM ![]() Steve Vander Ark continues to be my god.
Priscilla said at 5:45 PM ![]() muahahahahahaa alicey hacking muahahahahaha
Priscilla said at 1:21 PM ![]() I have no idea who this person is, but (s)he has the BEST DEFAULT ICON EVAAAR!
Priscilla said at 1:13 PM
Friday, July 18, 2003
![]() More picses!
I promised driving quotes, so here we go: "I feel another journal entry coming on!" --Mags Steph: Uh oh, it's getting cloudy and stormy. I hope it's not an omen. Me: Well, maybe the clouds will form a Nimbus, and it'll be a good omen! Me: I think that's a bad idea. Mags: Are you sure? Me: Yes. I'm sure I think it's a bad idea. (interrupting our discussion Pirates of the Caribbean) Steph: Is there not a map of Florida? There's only a map of Orlando! Me: I'd like a map of Orlando. ::tiger growl:: Mags: I know where I'd go! Me: Down south? Mags: To the peninsula! "He looked like a redneck Draco on drugs." --Alicey "Who needs liquor when you have high-heeled shoes?" --Me Today, I woke up before everyone else, and in my infinite evil took a picture of Mags and Alicey sleeping and looking like t00bs. Muaha. Alicey swore revenge when she woke up later and saw it. Today's panels: "The Importance of Being Ron," "Fanwords: The Evolution of Fandom Vernacular in the Harry Potter fandom," "Affinity and Lexical Choice in the Fan Community," "Coming Out of the Cupboard: Slash in the Harry Potter fandom" (Queer as John, among others), "Can Draco Be Redeemed?" (including Cassie), and "The Geography of Harry Potter" (Steve Vander Ark and Penny Linsenmayer). John's reaction to Slash After Book 5: "Dear God, it's canon." I'll post quotes later, as I was transcribing on my laptop for Alicey. T00by loff goes to Steve Vander Ark, fandom God. He recognized me and said that he had sent dozens of dozens of curious fans in my direction. He asked me if I'd updated recently, and he was excited to hear that I had updated last week. W00t! And now wer're off to the par-tay, so I'm off! Priscilla said at 9:39 PM ![]() NIMBUSNIMBUSNIMBUSNIMBUS GLEE, GLEE, GLEEEEE!!!!
Fun joy happy glee tra-la! Joy, joy, joy, joy, joy, merriment, festivities! Cassie, Heidi, Flourish, Ruby, Ebony, Aja, Ali Wildgoose, etc, etc, etc! Okay, slowly assembling thoughts and feelings of great t00by glee into rational sentences and thoughts. The trip with Alicey, Mags, and Steph went really well -- we made excellent time -- and meeting everyone was absolutely surreal. Steph pointed out Heidi to me, and I tapped her shoulder to introduce myself, but then I absolutely went blank and was incapable of speech in her unassuming greatness. Steph had to introduce me to her, and shockingly, she knew me immediately. This is Heidi Tandy... HUGGING me! I then ventured into the throng and met Cassie, who is the most wonderful and funniest person ever. I got Ali Wildgoose to draw me Harry and Draco on my nametag, then Cassie drew a stick-figure minicomic for me. Percy Weasley: I love you, Priscellie! Pris: But you are evil! Ron: I will save you! I flailed massively and launched into my "Percy is not evil, it's all an act!" schpiel and made a fool of myself, but all was merry. Then we assembled all the art and submitted it to the Art Gallery, then dashed outside for the Marauders Panel, a con-wide discussion of all things Marauders. When Sirius, Lupin, and the joint Christmas presents were mentioned, the entire crowd burst into wild cheers and applause. (Theirloveissocanon!) After the panel, we caught up with Cassie and offered to take her to dinner. She had to do a practice "Can Draco Be Redeemed?" (no.) panel, so we chilled out in the room for an hour, then joined her and Ruby in the restaurant. High points of the meal include Steph's encounter with an Anchovy of Doom, and our forced repetition of certain "salty" words due to Alicey's difficulty lipreading in the darkened environment. I don't think I'll ever forget sitting at a table of people repeatedly saying the words "Naked Ron" and "Smut," loudly and clearly, until we gave up and wrote the words in my Book. Then the group went up to our room to check out all our art. We had a fabulous time poking fun at Mags' obsession with Cedric and all Quidditch in general (Freud!Cass decided this was because Quidditch uniforms so resemble bondage gear) and drooling over all of Mags' and Alicey's gorgeous original drawings. Upon seeing Mags' picture of Cedric and Percy in towels and looking very pleased with themselves, Cassie and Ruby vowed to write Alicey a fic for her birthday, inspired by the picture. Heeee, I love these people. Quotes: "This girl... she really, really, really likes Cedric a lot." --Cassie's first impression of Magsby "Kung fu solves everything. That's the moral of The Matrix." --Cassie "Wake up. Rule Fandom. Have babies. Rule some more." --Cassie, "A Day in the Life of Heidy Tandy" "t00by or not t00by?" --Best T-Shirt ever "Whether I should be evil or not is hidden in my crotch!" --Cassie, regarding a collab between Mags and another artist "Just because he's dead doesn't mean he doesn't need a new hairstyle!" --Cassie, regarding Mags' page of new hairstyles for Cedric "I can't draw him happy! He's always sad... or taking off his clothes." --Mags, regarding Lupin And now I'm going to sleep, because in Orlando time, it's 2:30 AM. Sleepy time for 'Scillia! More quotes from the road trip and such coming soon. Loff to all! Priscilla said at 2:34 AM
Wednesday, July 16, 2003
Priscilla said at 4:10 PM
Tuesday, July 15, 2003
![]() Priscilla said at 10:32 PM ![]() WHEE! Mags just arrived! Three CG queens, all in one room! *sits back, amused, as the world spontaneously combusts*
Priscilla: T00b. Priscilla said at 12:15 PM ![]() ::laughs:: Viewing this link, courtesy of Rebecca, I asked Alicey if she had seen Peep Research, which was most likely the source of inspiration. Alicey is now thoroughly traumatized. Go me.
Alicey: But you had long since traumatized me! Muaha. Priscilla said at 11:50 AM ![]() You know you've read far too much X-Men fanfiction when you see this sentence:
He was halfway up the path when he heard a soft *bamf * noise behind him, and turned to see that the Quidditch shed had gone up in flames and was burning merrily. in a HP fic by Cassandra Claire and are profoundly disappointed. And I just realized that my roommate and I ordered a fuzzy blue rug for our dorm room. *boggles* I swear! I just like the color blue! *flails* Priscilla said at 11:14 AM
Monday, July 14, 2003
![]() Whee! Here I am at Alicey's house! SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! Glee, glee, glee, glee, JOY OF ALL JOYS! She is even more uberkeen in person, and I can't wait to join Mags and Steph tomorrow and the day after.
See pretty pictures! It's evil time! Alicey with her LJ entry on the subject Bird of Doom Too cool for Nimbus Lots and lots of art... More coming soon! Priscilla said at 6:08 PM ![]() Whee! I'm off! ::makes zooming noises:: And my printer has decided to cooperate! GLEE!
Priscilla said at 11:00 AM ![]() Wah! After being perfect and angelic all evening, printer suddenly posessed by SATAN. Fortunately, I had printed all of Maggie and Alicey's stuff. Unfortunately, I hadn't printed any of my own. Bugger.
Maybe all will be magically better when I wake up in the morning. Sleep makes everything better. 12 hours until I meet Alicey!!!!!! Priscilla said at 2:01 AM
Sunday, July 13, 2003
![]() ::goggles:: This time tomorrow, I'll be at the airport, probably going through security. Nimbus, ho!
Priscilla said at 11:39 AM ![]() I just went ahead and updated WIAN without the new look, because I didn't want to waste valuable pre-Nimbus time on something that can be easily done afterwards. Back to work on the James bookmark, then...
Priscilla said at 1:19 AM
Saturday, July 12, 2003
Now it's just a matter of throwing up the new look and posting all the goodness! Sure, there's some 1-4 stuff that I haven't added yet, but I couldn't care less at this point. WOO-HOO!!!!! Priscilla said at 11:28 PM ![]() Go to Google, type in "weapons of mass destruction," and click the "I'm Feeling Lucky" button. Hee.
Priscilla said at 9:40 PM ![]() Working on WIAN, it greatly amuses me to find that "doxy" is an archaic word for "prostitute."
Priscilla said at 7:25 PM
Friday, July 11, 2003
![]() Thanks to the more than two dozen people who emailed me, informing me about the Erlkonig, a poem by Goethe...(etc)
Do I sound at all sarcastic when I say this? ::gets back to work:: Priscilla said at 3:17 PM ![]() Priscilla said at 12:31 PM ![]() LJ Unique Interests Meme:
alan cumming's various accents -- 'nuff said. blaise's gender -- again, I'm shocked to be the only one. fandoms endorsing bestiality -- good gravy, do ALL my fandoms endorse bestiality? fluff-free carrot/angua fic -- because there is far too much C/A fluff out there. fluffy kuroro -- my one weakness! percy/oliver slash -- how am I the only one? *boggles* the klatchian dragon -- shhhh! my evil fanfic, muaha. wi-not-trei-a-holiday-in-sveden-this-yer? -- too much Monty Python is bad for the brain worshipping monica -- that's Izcovich, not Lewinsky. Priscilla said at 11:53 AM ![]() Whee! A highly amusing evening. We, that is Luke, T-Barr, and Megan, went to Matt's for swimming and a movie-fest. I arrived at 5:15, but it took us over an hour to actually get into the pool. ("But... aren't there bears outside?" --Luke) Once in, about 75% of the time was spent with T-Barr squirting Luke with hose on the pool cleaner machine thing. I used my digital camera (*gasp* I haven't gushed about him here yet! My graduation present, I got him two days ago. My ikkle baby!) to record moments of "boy touching" and other bits of general t00bery.
We started to get humgry, so we waffled a bit on food, and eventually decided to go to California Pizza Kitchen. While we were there, however, it started to storm. Because CPK is on a corner, and two walls are entirely glass, we got slightly nervous when winds became so fierce that branches were ripped off trees. We laughed at the poor sods whose cars were most likely damaged by a massive branch as big as the cars themselves. ("Um... now would be a good time to repent, guys." --Luke) I remember Alicey telling me something about a hurricane where she lives, so I deduced that we're probably getting some of that. After more massive falling branches, a loss of power, and quite a bit of hail, we decided to split. (in the car) Luke: Is anyone religious? ::silence:: (later) Matt: Hey, I prayed! I said the Lord's Prayer! Me: I thought of the scene in X-Men when Nightcrawler prays! Luke: I don't think it works for you to think of a fictional character praying... unless that fictional character is Jesus. And I don't think Nightcrawler is Jesus. Matt: That would be cool, though. If he was Jesus. Me: It would. Matt: I wonder if Jesus had large nostrils? All: *laughter* Matt: Marcelina would take up Christianity just to stare at his nostrils. Luke: Wouldn't that be a sin? Like, thou shalt not covet the Lord's nostrils? Upon arriving back at Matt's house, we first checked to make sure our cars had no hail damage, then watched "Nightmare Before Christmas," one of the movies I brought. My train of thought: "Pirates of the Carribean" = nifty --> Johnny Depp = huzzah --> Johnny Depp = "Edward Scissorhands" (rented!) --> Tim Burton is my God. --> "Nightmare Before Christmas" (rented!). Yay logic. I also brought "Spaceballs" and LotR, because they are the only decent movies I own. Megan and I discussed the merits of various men in LotR. Megan: I don't get what everyone sees in Orlando Bloom. He's not that hot. Me: Yes! And why choose him when you could have Billy Boyd, with a Scottish accent? Megan: My friends and I decided that the thing about guys in LotR is that we couldn't date Orlando Bloom because his hair is prettier than ours. After "Nightmare," we watched a highly on-crack anime called "Dragon Half." Then, to reassure our brains that good anime still exists, we watched the "Animatrix," which kicked several diverse types of butt on many different levels. It was very reassuring to see the nifty CG in "Flight of the Osiris" after a week of in-progress (and therefore low render quality) G.I. Joe at Reel FX. Of course, the on-crack quotient soared as time went on, but oh well. All was merry and good. Tra-la! I went home, read a few pages of The Well of Lost Plots and went to sleep. And here we are. Priscilla said at 11:33 AM
Thursday, July 10, 2003
![]() I love how I spend two weeks trying to get in the groove of researching new Book 5 info for WIAN, and as soon as I really get going and start to enjoy myself, it's time to leave for a swimming/movie watching party at Matt's house. Curse my infernal sense of timing!
Priscilla said at 5:51 PM ![]() All JETS will no doubt find this very, very amusing.
Priscilla said at 5:18 PM ![]() Fans of Alan Cumming and/or Scottish accents in general: whee!
Bonus Edit: Apparently he's been cast in the movie of "Phantom of the Opera", supposedly coming out in 2004. Dame Rumor has narrowed it down to one of the opera managers, either Monseiur Andre or Monsieur Firmin. Rather convenient, as their big number, "Prima Donna," is one of my favourite bits in the show. Huzzah! He will be the only redeeming aspect of this movie! Priscilla said at 1:02 PM ![]() Hee! Just saw "Pirates of the Caribbean" with Matt, Luke, T-Barr, and several dozen deranged Ren Fest-ers dressed as pirates. I loved it! Too funny for words. Well, the movie was hilarious, but the audience was too funny for words. The evening was spent making snide jokes about Johnny Depp's sexuality (fabulous, fabulous performance), Orlando Bloom's attire (with plenty of LotR jokes thrown in the mix), and the Keira Knightley's chastity (or lack thereof). Plus the occasional audience-wide "Huzzah!" and "Yaaaaarrrr!" at opportune moments. Go see it with a big group of friends! Because the only thing better than pirates and zombies is zombie pirates! Arrrrr!
Edit: Wow. I have to quote Rave in her drunken yet masterly review of this movie. 4.attn. fandom: captain jack/the steering wheel on the pearl is the new harry/draco. theirloveissorotational. thisat is all. thank you. Priscilla said at 12:20 AM
Tuesday, July 08, 2003
![]() From here, ganked from Rebecca.
According to my birthday, November 23rd, I am: Uncommonly attractive vivacious impulsive demanding does not care for criticism ambitious intelligent talented likes to play with its fate can be egoistic very reliable and trust-worthy faithful and prudent lover sometimes brains rule over heart but takes partnership very serious. I like it. Especially the "uncommonly attractive" bit (ha!). It applies, yes, so in my natural skepticism, I checked a few random dates to see if they were all just vuague and universally applicable. Of the four, November 23rd applied most, so I'm pleased. Go me, I was born on the correct day! Priscilla said at 11:03 PM ![]() Squee! "The Well of Lost Plots" arrived today! GLEE!
Priscilla said at 6:05 PM ![]() ::giggles:: Link courtesy of Matt courtesy of Luke.
Priscilla said at 4:33 PM ![]() I've just realized that one reason I like drawing Kurt is because you only have to draw two fingers per hand. A vast improvement over the usual four! Of course, Matt likes to make fun of the fact that his hands are stuck in a permanent "Live Long and Prosper" sign. You can't win 'em all, I guess.
Priscilla said at 3:54 PM ![]() HP Fanartists: Get involved in the OotP Art Fest!
Quote of the Day: "Snape/Kingsley: Theirloveissoirrelevant." --Sam Priscilla said at 12:05 AM
Monday, July 07, 2003
![]() ::dies laughing:: Story of my life.
Priscilla said at 6:39 PM
Sunday, July 06, 2003
![]() I just spent a few hours reorganizing the photography section. If you find any broken links, tell me. I also updated the Art section with a few random things and all the Santa Fe pics. So hurrah.
Priscilla said at 6:55 PM ![]() The Order of the
Phoenix in haiku format! Can I get a w00t? Haiku Day now ends. Strict syllabic formatting Just doesn't cut it Priscilla said at 12:58 AM
Saturday, July 05, 2003
![]() Random haiku of the day:
WIAN is so dull. That's it, gotta leave the house. Smoothies, here I come. Someone Y!M me And take my boredom away. Remove this ennui! I meant to post this In an earlier entry. For Renata's fic: With language lessons, Ororo finds Kurt to be a cunning linguist. Priscilla said at 5:38 PM ![]() "Dark Side of the Moon"
Accompanies my research. Bah, stupid WIAN*. * For my sanity, I pronounce the acronym As two syllables At one point, I laughed, For it sounded like "weeun". Now, just convenience. Priscilla said at 3:38 PM ![]() Today, all rejoice!
Happy Anniversary to Tanja and me (My husband is dead And her husband is a jerk. You can't win 'em all) Priscilla said at 11:35 AM ![]() Such a good feeling
I get when two of my friends Become friends themselves! Like Marcelina Befriending Rebecca M Through her Friends' Friends List, Renata wrote fic And archived it with the girl I drew fanart for! Fluffy fanfiction: The first step on the road to Global unity Priscilla said at 9:05 AM ![]() Priscilla said at 1:08 AM
Friday, July 04, 2003
![]() W00t! My copy of "The Well of Lost Plots", the next Thursday Next book, was dispatched from Amazon UK today! Muaha, I have thwarted your plan, US booksellers! Go me!
Priscilla said at 6:49 PM ![]() At Brenna's request, I posted the contents of my AP Art Folio. Go see, if you wish.
Priscilla said at 6:37 PM ![]() Coming home from lunch, I was struck by a very strange notion. My two most schnoogleworthy favourite male fictional characters are remarkably similar. I submit for your approval, Carrot and Kurt.
First, their names are one syllable apart. Second, they both grew up speaking very gutteral languages. Carrot: Looks innocent, but is actually quite pervy and shrewd. Kurt: Looks innocent, but is quite the Cassanova in the comics. Carrot: Looks shorter than he actually is due to perpetual stoop. Kurt: Looks shorter than he actually is due to perpetual stoop. Carrot: Has a quasi-girlfriend with ash-blond hair. Kurt: Flirts shamelessly with a girl with white-blond hair. Carrot: Posesses distinctive crown-shaped birthmark. Kurt: Posesses distinctive angelic symbol scars. Carrot: Can run so fast he blurs. Kurt: Can teleport. Carrot: Is quite buff from growing up as a dwarf in a mine. Kurt: Is quite buff from growing up as an acrobat in a circus. Carrot: Occasionally saves Ankh-Morpork with his friends, a band of plucky Watchmen. Kurt: Occasionally saves the world with his friends, a band of plucky X-Men. (And their cigar-smoking acquaintances would kill anyone that called them "plucky.") And there you have it. Now I'm going to go off and eat my salad and half-sandwich and jump at small noises. Priscilla said at 2:32 PM ![]() I hereby pledge my firstborn child to the programmer that came up with the "Find and Replace" tool.
Priscilla said at 12:27 PM ![]() Happy "America Kicked Britain's Shiny Backside And We're Not Letting You Forget It" Day! ::gives mad schnoogles to everything British::
(Also, don't forget! Tomorrow, we celebrate World Blog Haiku Day!) Priscilla said at 11:53 AM
Thursday, July 03, 2003
![]() Oh yes! Nearly forgot. Lots of pretty photography posted in my LJ! Go see!
Priscilla said at 9:35 PM ![]() Two thoughts watching "Titus":
1. What the hell kind of crack was the artistic team smoking? and 2. Dear god! Look at the size of Alan Cumming's nostrils! Priscilla said at 9:34 PM
Wednesday, July 02, 2003
![]() ::surfs about her old website:: Dear gravy, was I that much of a stuck-up, egotistical clod three years ago? Gah, how did you guys that knew me then put up with me? I would have given myself a punch in the face if I could.
Priscilla said at 12:35 AM ![]() Note: I rented "Spy Kids" because I was honestly curious about the original that was supposed to be so good that spawned two sequels that are supposed to be godawful. I heard that it was clever and amusing. I certainly did not rent it solely on the fact that Alan Cumming is in this movie. The fact that I also rented "Titus" has no relevance whatsoever. I rented "Titus" because the director Julie Taymour is inventive and innovative, as we saw in "Frida" and Broadway's "The Lion King". Sure, it largely features Alan Cumming as well, but this is a moot point.
Just so we're clear on that. Priscilla said at 12:06 AM
Tuesday, July 01, 2003
![]() Finally working on updating What's In a Name, mainly because if I got one more email suggesting possible etymology for "Billywig" I would scream.
Priscilla said at 4:00 PM ![]() ::waves Canadian flag:: Happy Canada D-eh? XD
Priscilla said at 11:00 AM ![]() Just called the College Board for my AP grades, because I have no self-control whatsoever. I'm a bit disappointed that I got a 4 (all scores out of 5) in AP Art, as Mrs. McCullough told me that there was a chance I could get a 5, but 4 is still a pretty good score, so it's all good. I'm rather stunned at my Physics grade, which was a 3, because I did so badly on that test that I thought I'd be lucky to get a 1. Man, that must have been a depressing grade curve! Gravy, that test was impossible.
Priscilla said at 10:27 AM Title cartoon by Bruce Eric Kaplan, used without permission. ![]() |
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