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Sunday, August 31, 2003
![]() Wow, I feel like absolute crap.
If I were allowed to ask one question to whatever higher intelligence(s) is responsible for our construction, I would ask why the heck do women have periods. It makes no sense! Why can't we just reabsorb all the nutrients and stuff that we'd be losing? If it's supposed to be the ideal environment for a baby to grow, and it's being shed, then why can't we get all the iron and stuff back instead of making us deficient? And then we wouldn't feel like we'd had our bodies turned inside out, then been hit by a bus for a week out of the month. Bah, no wonder so many women turn Feminazi. Men should WORSHIP us for what we have to go through. Priscilla said at 11:47 AM
Saturday, August 30, 2003
![]() Awww, my ikkle Magsiekins all grown up and savin' China and getting her artwork featured on the BBC...
Priscilla said at 6:11 PM ![]() Double-yay! I'm probably going to be able to double-minor in Fine Arts and Theatre really really easily. With my current schedule, I'll already be able to qualify for the Fine Arts minor. I HEEAAAAAAAAART you, DMD! *has fifty thousand DMD babies*
Priscilla said at 6:02 PM ![]() Glory is ours! The citywide scavenger hunt was unfortunately scheduled on a day doomed to end in thunderstorms. The other two teams called it quits significantly before we did, so sweet victory smiles upon our rain-ravaged countenance. I guess that this is the only sort of result you can expect from a team led by someone named Abraham L.!
Priscilla said at 5:12 PM ![]() So Marcelina met Allison? Cool beans!
Priscilla said at 12:16 AM
Friday, August 29, 2003
![]() Sam: Sex is great.
Sam: And therefore, I write about it. Tai: It's fun to write! Sam: *nods* Sam: *glances around* Having stopped conversation entirely, I move onward... Priscilla said at 10:10 PM ![]() Wah! Oh Philadelphia comic shops, why must you be so far away? 20th street... 14th street... 6th street. And here I am at 33rd. Arr. *looks to see how I would get there on the demented Philadelphia subway system*
Priscilla said at 8:58 PM ![]() Pics around the campus. Meme?
Hill & environs: Construction next to our dorm Dining is below the main floor See? like this. The Moat The windows The "drawbridge" Other windows, and another, and one more. The Lifts, for use in move in. And again one more "The Apotheosis of Franklin," Wyeth Elsewhere: Irvine Auditorium The stage Irvine's monstrous organ and more pipes Labled "Logan," but I think it's really Irvine Ditto A leafy canopy outside the art building Levine, the new computer science building. Classy and glassy. Yeah! Go female engineers! Woo! Erm... yeah. the cobble Priscilla said at 6:44 PM ![]() Gleeeeeee! I met no Alan Cumming or Billy Boyd soundalikes, but I did meet a lot of kindred spirits. I met a representative from The Dining Philosophers, a computer science club that (among many other things) offers Linux classes to make the transition to Sophomore compsci easier (and I've always wanted to learn Linux and Unix), and their first meeting is a Movie Night, which will most likely be Spaceballs. And the DMD students are invited to join Penn's chapter of SIGGRAPH, and that's just beyond cool. And apparently, DMD students are in significantly more demand than the other Engineering students, which is saying a LOT.
People make computer jokes! I am surrounded by Nerd-Savvy! Hurrah for Engineering and DMD! *prances* The only downside is that as a female in computer science, I am hit on shamelessly. Wah. One of said students made a joke about the professor's accents, and I mentioned my fondness for accents, and he was like, "I'm told that I have a really strong New York accent. Does that qualify?" and I was just amused. It's going to be a great four (or however many) years. Priscilla said at 4:22 PM ![]() I imagine I'll get to meet some of the DMD students today, as we have a meeting for the Engineering school. Therefore, I shall wear my "Molybdenum is the Answer" t-shirt. I predict the following will happen.
Random Engineer: Hey, what does your shirt mean? Me: It's a reference to The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. Molybdenum has an atomic number of 42. All Engineers: Ha ha ha ha ha! Really Hot Engineer #1: The Hitchhiker's Guide? Wow, what impeccable taste in literature. Perchance are you familiar with the works of Terry Pratchett, Neil Gaiman, JK Rowling, various other nifty authors, and then stuff like the movie versions ofX-Men and Lord of the Rings? Me: Yay! Really Hot Engineer #2: Hey, I'm told that my accent sounds quite a lot like Billy Boyd's. And Percy is not evil. Will you be my girlfriend? Really Hot Engineer #1: But I have just developed a formula that will transform me into Alan Cumming, except not gay. I will speak to you in Scottish and German accents. I will read the phone book to you. And I'll give you shoulder massages and vote Howard Dean. Could you love a man such as I? Me: Meeble wrble sculp. Priscilla said at 9:23 AM ![]() Whoever set off the fire alarm at 5:35 this morning is going DOWN.
Priscilla said at 9:12 AM ![]() And T-Barr is my savior! Mac ladies (and gents, if there are any mac gents that read this blog), is everything peachy?
Priscilla said at 1:37 AM ![]() Aaarrrugh, why are none of you online? My hallmates are all great, fun people, but I need to talk to someone Fandom. I can't wait until I meet some of the DMD kids, as they're more likely to share some common interests. None of the 10 hallmates I played Taboo with had even read Harry Potter. Wah.
And the notion that I will have no one to share Talk Like Pirate Day with is rather depressing. Come on, DMD students! Well, the PhD student I did the motion capture experiment with made references to the first X-Men movie... *crosses fingers* Bleh. Priscilla said at 1:13 AM
Thursday, August 28, 2003
![]() Dude! How cool is that? On IE at least, huge tables and such don't break the layout! Of course, I remind myself that on non IE-browsers, the layout is already broken. PLEASE, I beseech you. If anyone knows how to make this stuff work on Macs, I will *heart* you for eternity.
Priscilla said at 11:27 PM ![]() (written yesterday) Alas, today I surf the ups and downs of technology. Fortunately, there are more pros than cons. But the con is a really big, annoying con and it equates to maybe 3 or 4 pros. Wah. Oh well. This morning, I got my laptop hooked up to the Penn ethernet, which is quite lovely and keen, and brushed up all my virus protection update stuff. Then, I went over to the Engineering building (right across from my dorm, w00t) to meet with a PhD student who needed guinea pigs for his thesis. I spent an hour in the brand-spankin'-new motion capture suite, arm wired to the gills with sensors and infrared thingies I won't pretend to understand. I heaaaaart the motion capture suite. Be still, my heart! And in short, because I've spent enough time on-and-off writing this entry. My beautiful scan/copy/printer is not working. Wah. But it will work soon, so yay.
And I have a really cool roommate, huzzah! I foresee smooth sailing. Priscilla said at 9:06 PM
Tuesday, August 26, 2003
![]() Microsoft Word hates me. I thought I could make HTML coding massive documents faster and easier if I used Word's "Convert to Web Page" function, then just tweaked the code, everything would be easier. But it didn't. It made it convoluted and scary and it tried to eat my babies. I had to fend it off with a pointy-end stick and a cross made of garlic bread. Whoever is behind that function should be shot at dawn.
And pleeeease, be lovely people and add your thoughts to the special effects post, two threads down. I'll love you forever and lend you a dollar if you get in a pinch! Priscilla said at 11:29 PM
Monday, August 25, 2003
In case you haven't seen it yet! :D Priscilla said at 7:26 PM
Sunday, August 24, 2003
![]() My godfather is Ambassador to Belgium.
Just thought you might like to know that. :) Priscilla said at 10:09 PM ![]() Okay, ladies (and gents. of which there are like, two). I need suggestions. As part of orientation, we have these nifty Proseminar lecture thingies, and mine is on Special Effects. I need input on which special effects in movies you found especially impressive, memorable, or striking. For example, anything and everything relating to Gollum, the opening scene of X2 (particularly the triple-bamf. gravy on a stick.), bullet ripples (that sounds almost like an ice cream flavor) in The Matrix, and hobbit proportions.
So what do you guys think? What special effects make you go "woah"? Or better yet, make you not go "woah" because they're so subtle? Priscilla said at 9:59 PM ![]() You know what? If anyone was serious about stalking me, they could find this kind of information easily.
Priscilla Spencer Hill House 3333 Walnut Street, Box 111 Philadelphia, PA 19104-6193 *tips hat* Priscilla said at 9:16 PM ![]() Priscilla said at 8:33 PM ![]() Glee! Priscilla's ethernet woes are a thing of the past. The glee continues its upward spiral!
I checked out my room today, which wasn't as small as I'd imagined. At the Dallas Penn gathering, when I told people I was in Hill, they said "I'm sorry," explaining that the rooms are matchbox-sized. Because I had been so conditioned to the idea that I would only be able to stick one toe into the room at a time, I was pleasantly surprised when I saw the room. It's really not that bad. The space is adequate. And it's still perfectly situated for my classes. It's remarkable. One will be able to just glance into my room and know exactly what kind of person I am. With my posters of Amelie, FotR, and "Discworld Family Values," plus all my friends' HP & DW artwork (and Megs' mostly-naked hobbits), there's not a lot left to explain. Priscilla said at 5:20 PM
Saturday, August 23, 2003
![]() W00t! Am in Philadelphia, cruising about with my parents. I was very pleasantly surprised to find that all but one of my classes are in a 1-block radius of my dorm, and the other is 2 1/2 blocks. My schedule whups all your schedules' shiny white heineys. Go me! *high fives schedule*
As always, whenever I have to deal with something Huge and Looming and Big, I find myself taking the Arthur Dent approach -- I whittle it down into something small, then digest that. While Arthur finally snaps when he realizes there is no such thing as a McDonalds hamburger, I think my breaking point is at "I am taking a trip. Mum and Dad are going home, but I am not." I imagine I'm going to wake up screaming in the middle of the night. But things could be worse. I'm at the college of my dreams in the program of my dreams with the people of my dreams and the faculty of my dreams, a short busride from one of my best friends in the world, and a slightly longer trainride from New York City. And out of the godforsaken Texas heat, hallelujah! Okay, so I'm really really really really really really excited about Penn. Glee! I dined with Erin Finley tonight, one of my schoolchums (that's such a great word -- it should be used more), and a splendid time was had by all. Apparently, she's rooming in a turret! How cool is that? Of course, I get the bragging rights of living in a college house whose architecture was inspired by a Turkish harem, but hey, TURRETS! We're going to have turret parties and just generally have fun. Merriment and glee! Until tomorrow, m'dears. Priscilla said at 10:48 PM
Friday, August 22, 2003
![]() In 12 hours, I will be on a plane, flying away from the home I've lived in for 18 years, to live in a city fifteen hundred miles away.
Mommy? Priscilla said at 11:28 PM ![]() Hee! Just saw the Errol Flynn version of "Robin Hood" with Mimi. I <333333333333333 Errol Flynn. *is amused*
If I have a son, I am *so* naming him 'Basil.' Or 'Errol.' Because dooming your children to bullying and massive therapy is part of a parent's job. Priscilla said at 6:01 PM ![]() Whee! LotR gleefulness! I hope Philly is on the list...
Priscilla said at 10:35 AM ![]() Glee! The first wave of art for the OotP Art Fest is up!
And apparently Mac users (or at least Safari users) are having issues with the layout. Any divine, godlike HTML divas know what's wrong? I beseech you all. Jen? Britt? Bueller? Priscilla said at 1:38 AM
Thursday, August 21, 2003
![]() Yay, new layout. I decided that the Film Noir one had been up long enough, and Renata suggested Kurt for the new one. So w00t. Not much of a departure from the last, but hey, it works for me. This is my first time fiddling around with <div> absolute positioning things for text, and after several hours of pulling out my hair, I can say that it is officially my biznatch. Go me!
If anyone has any suggestions for phrases for the comment fields and "Relevant Links," footkissing is in order. The phrase "blue and fluffy for preference" belongs to Angua, in Feet of Clay. Of course, Cheery assumes she's talking about a blanket she uses against bogeymen, but we know better. Priscilla said at 5:46 PM ![]() From POA Set Report #3: P.S: There was an important observation we noticed today, but failed to put in the report. We were extremely surprised to discover that Lupin does have a moustache in the shoot.
::sobs:: Priscilla said at 11:38 AM ![]() I *heart* Tim Burton.
I *heart* Johnny Depp. I *mega heart* them working together. No question as to whether I will *heart* this. Priscilla said at 10:41 AM
Wednesday, August 20, 2003
![]() Priscilla said at 4:16 PM ![]() Doom!
(And just out of curiosity, is there anyone out there who reads my blog that hasn't read OoP yet? Do I really need to worry about spoiler warnings this late in the game?) Priscilla said at 10:17 AM
Tuesday, August 19, 2003
![]() Mum and I were attending to skincare this evening. I had just finished Chapter 33 of OoP, so mum now knows who snuffed it, and she was feeling a bit down. In an effort to lighten the mood, I told her about Sam's "Dead Sirius" pun. We chuckled about it. Then, without realizing it, she goes back to my face and says "That's a serious blackhead there." I immediately choked and mum realized what she said. We both laughed so hard that we had to run from the room, collapsing on the ground and laughing so hard we were in tears. We decided that this is what Hermione said to Harry when she saw his godfather appear in the Gryffindor common room fire.
Puns = good. Bad puns = "I wish I'd come up with that first" I'm going to miss my overly pun-addicted family. Priscilla said at 11:55 PM ![]() *raises eyebrow coyly*
You send me your address, I'll send you mine. pspencer@seas.upenn.edu *resumes packing for Penn* Priscilla said at 11:24 PM ![]() Do not cry, Pippin! I will comfort you! And we can share madschnoogles and great, t00by loff and run off to a lovely shirelike locale and have seven thousand beautiful roly-poly hobbit babies with adorably thick Scottish accents and never be sad again! *wailsobs*
Priscilla said at 1:16 PM
Monday, August 18, 2003
![]() Moni and I are quite proud of the Scale of Gay that we put together today. Go vote on Aziraphale's hair!
Highlights of the Conversation: Pris: Aziraphale is cute beyond words! *schnoogles him senseless* Moni: hehehehe Moni: I want to give him a hug Pris: me too! Moni: he ish sho adorable Pris: I mean, Crowley I want to shag senseless, but Aziraphale I want to hold hands with and get married to and live in a three-bedroom house with a white picket fence and colorful window shutters. Moni: would you say the hair is gay enough? Pris: the hair is delightfully gay. Moni: excellent. Moni: and of course, no man can be 100% straight while going out to dinner with Crowley for over 6000 years. Pris: not a chance Pris: heck, he's lucky to have lasted 5 minutes Pris: Hmm... who defines manly heterosexual manliness? Moni: no idea Moni: everybody can be slashed in our fandom Pris: I know! It's evil! Moni: even angels and demons Pris: especially angels and demons Pris: Hee, how about Sean "I am not gay" Biggerstaff. XD Moni: *laughs* Pris: he can be 40% Moni: sorry, he´s got gay written all over him Moni: in big red letters Pris: *laughs* Pris: Of his own writing Moni: actually, make that big purple letters Moni: with glitter Pris: Person: So, about your friendship with Chris Rankin... Sean: I'M NOT GAY! Pris: Wah, is there not a nonambiguously straight guy left on the planet? Moni: Urgh. Urgh. I am seeing Sam´s manip of Vimes licking Vetinari in my mind. So I'd say no. Pris: Hmm... the only thing is that Liberace IS gayer than a tree full of monkeys on nitrous oxide. Priscilla said at 6:12 PM ![]() ::squeak::
Priscilla said at 1:32 AM ![]() *dies laughing* In preparation for college, I'm transferring everything of consequence on HAL to Jimmy so that I have it with me at Penn. At the same time, I'm taking the opportunity to clear HAL of everything I no longer need. Very very worth the time. In the scourge, I came across these.
From the ORIGINAL "Very Secret Project," the Draco Trilogy Calendar: Take One! Back when Moni and I were deluded enough to think that we could do the whole thing ourselves. Featuring Transition!Starling and WowThisCGisCrap!Me. Blaise Charlie Fleur Ginny Pansy Ron *will laugh about this all evening* Priscilla said at 1:17 AM
Sunday, August 17, 2003
![]() Hee! I love Tori.
But, this musical brought me to an interesting conclusion. Jesus is the ultimate Mary Sue. I mean, think about it. He's good looking--tall and fair in a society of the short and dark. He's got a tragic past (the king tried to kill him when he was just a baby). He's omnipotent. He's loved by children. The facts all lay out just right. Jesus is a Mary Sue. *hugs* I shall miss all my ikkle ones! Priscilla said at 9:10 PM
Saturday, August 16, 2003
![]() Hee! Just found an early version of "Apology to a Cow" on KaZaA. Wow, that's messed up. Hee, I can just imagine (in my delusions of grandeur) people finding my early drafts of MAA songs and laughing their heads off. Heck, I'm terribly amused by stuff I thought was finished a year ago. Yay for nascent musical theatre!
Priscilla said at 6:22 PM ![]() Wow. I kept reading about how Alan Cumming had revolutionized the character of the Emcee in Cabaret, but I was never aware of just how much he contributed to the role until today. Out of curiosity, I dowloaded Joel Grey's (original Broadway and the film) "Wilkommen" and was shocked at the results. Grating, annoying, flat, and utterly dull, dull, dull. I immediately had to play the New Broadway version to restore my faith in the song. I reinterate Alan's godlike status. And if anyone disagrees with me, I will punch them in the face because they are WRONG. If someone could harness the energy Alan generates in his theatrical exploits, I don't think North America would ever have to worry about blackouts again. The man is mesmerizing.
Meanwhile, <3333 to Luke, who burned the first seasons of "Clone High" and "Invader Zim" for me. ::takes a moment to shake her fist at Eugene, who after 4 months still has the Invader Zim 1st and 2nd seasons that Seej burnt for her:: Priscilla said at 4:27 PM ![]() Philly friends: DaVinci's Notebook is in Bryn Mawr at The Point on October 24th. Two shows, one at 7 and one at 10. Tickets are $16 in adv. or $20 at the door, purchaseable from Ticketweb. Just so you know! We'll probably get a group together (we'll actually have friends by that point! Dude!), so we'll figure out stuff later.
Glee! Priscilla said at 1:09 PM ![]() How many posts have I promised, then never posted? The Disney marathon comes to mind. And I haven't even writted my Supermassive Nimbus Post of Doom yet. I guess it's time to write the Weird Al post before I'm distracted again!
The day of the concert, chaos reigned. Mackenzie reported that she couldn't come, as her parents had planned a dinner with an old friend's family without her knowledge. Then Zimo cancelled because she didn't feel comfortable paying $42 for a ticket on her New College Student budget. And I still couldn't get ahold of Christine to ask her to come. Chungy, Burkhead, and Emily were set to go, but I still suddenly needed two more people, and had only an hour to get ahold of them. Fortunately, Matt was online, so I asked him, but I wasn't able to get another. Finally, in desparation, I called Mackenzie again, who said she could leave dinner early to arrive for he concert in time. Yay, I was breathing again. We assembled at 5:30 then went for Japanese at Sushi on McKinney, a restaurant I'm definitely going to miss this year. Burkhead and Emily were wearing subversive HP shirts, so I showed them the HP5 Innuendo-Fest, which pretty much dominated the evening's conversation. We decided that Chungy was *definitely* faking innocent, as NO ONE can not understand so much innuendo at 18. Burkhead and Emily decided that they were going to make underwear that said "I might just do a Weasley" upon returning home. I'm going to make a t-shirt. After dinner, we were off to the concert! Because Mapquest hates me and wants to eat my babies, we ended up having to rely on my handy-dandy Mapsco. Fortunately, I am Navigation Master and I easily found the Bronco Bowl. By the time we were nice and parked, it was about 7:15. The doors were supposed to open at 6:30, but the massive line outside isn't moving. And did I mention it's raining outside? As seats were assigned, we saw no point in making ourselves miserable, so we waited in the car for about 30 minutes until the line diminished to the point where we could stand under the awning. Mackenzie had told me she would try to arrive at 8 or 8:15, so I went out under the awning again to wait for her. I ended up missing the opening stand-up comedian, but my friends assured me I didn't miss much. Mackenzie arrived around 8:25, and after a brief comedy of errors, we managed to find each other. All together now! Glee and smooches! The actual concert portion began shortly afterward. He opened with the "Angry White Boy Polka," then "Party at the Leper Colony" (Matt was amused, as he'd never really heard the lyrics before), "That's Your Horoscope for Today," "A Complicated Song," and a song I hadn't heard before called "Melanie." Then he said "It's not every day I do a concert in a bowling alley that's about to be demolished and turned into a home improvement warehouse. So I guess now would be a really good time to do 'Hardware Store.' But we haven't practiced it, so I'm going to sing 'One More Minute' instead." And he did. The first costume change took the form of an "interview" with Avril Lavigne. I *heart* his interviews. Then he did another song I hadn't heard, which I'm guessing is titled "Dog Eat Dog." Then "Bob" up to the harmonica solo (the music video is really amusing). The second change was clip show of cameos of Al in a bunch of TV shows and movies and the wonderful "60% Chance of Rain" and "Our Friend Dirt." Then a massive montage of "WANNA B UR LOVR," "Trash Day," "Jerry Springer," "Jurassic Park," "The Toppings Will Go On," "E-Bay," "Rye or the Kaiser," "Spider Man," "Lasagna," "Pretty Fly for a Rabbi," "My Bologna," "Gump," and "Eat It." His second "interview" was with Celine Dion. He perfomed "Smells Like Nirvana," then changed again as they screened his portion of the MTV Video Music Awards, that featured him as part each of the "Sexiest Video" nominees. Funny beyond words. He emerged for "Amish Paradise" (complete with the audience moving their arms back and forth in time with the "Aaah" stuff). The third "interview" was with Eminem. When Eminem championed freedom of expression, then Al questioned him if someone should be free to make a music video of a parody song, the audience cheered wildly. Al sang "One Shot," with the audience making sympathetic rap gestures. Another change, and the "final" song, "I'm Fat." But the audience was smarter than that and knew what to expect. A chant somewhere between "Weird Al" and "Yoda" gathered strength until it became a roar, which was instantly silenced by one gesture from the keyboardist. Upon returning to the stage, Al launched into "The Saga Begins," then "Yoda" and the obligatory chant. And then it was over. Huzzah and w00t to a fabulous evening! On our way out, we were mobbed by some religious enthusiasts who gave up pamphlets about how we were going to hell, which made us giggle massively on the way home. I cut out some of the pages and put them in my Book next to my ticket. Too funny. Priscilla said at 12:59 PM ![]() Wow. That's the last time I'm going to see most of my friends, at least until I happen across them on a holiday, and it's still not sinking in.
Yesterday afternoon, I got quite a shock as I ransacked my bookshelf, dividing it into books I would bring with me, books I would sell to Half-Price Books, and books I would leave behind so that a parent could send them to me if I found my dorm was large enough. It started to sink in that hey, these books will no longer be a part of my life. All these books, whose presence I took for granted, would suddenly be gone. In such a small dorm room, would I really need my French translations of Harry Potter? Much less copies of both US and UK versions. I haven't reread anything in my Dave Barry collection recently; can I bear to part with it? Wow, here's a book I've been intending to read, but haven't picked it up yet. And A Clockwork Orange? Fantastic book. Like hell I'm giving it away. But do I need it with me in college? I started organizing things along the lines of "If my house burned down in a fire tomorrow, what would I be sad about losing? And what would I not even notice had gone?" I instantly set aside my autographed copies of Coraline and Good Omens, then just as quickly returned them to the "staying home" stack. I have another copy of Good Omens, let's take that so that I don't run the risk of damaging it during shipping. But what if Terry Pratchett comes to NY to sign for his next book? I'll want it doublesigned, won't I? But I suppose my mom could send it to me in time if that happened, seeing as TP's American tours are a big deal because they NEVER HAPPEN. It stays home. The fierce internal debate raged on for most of the afternoon. Then I went to Matt's house, for Final Shenanigans. Are you connecting this, brain? I won't see Matt or Luke or Brian or Megan or Jen again for quite some time. And Mackenzie and Chungy and so many others that you *didn't* get to hang out with last night. Think of how upset you got parting with some of your books. These are PEOPLE we're talking about. Maybe, I rationalized, it hasn't registered because I still have another week at home, so the idea college hasn't quite hit me full-force yet. But giving everybody goodbye hugs, my Shoulder Demon observed nastily that hey, it's sunk in regarding my books. My mom tells me that it's good that I'm so independent and able to entertain myself, whereas my sister had to be constantly spending time with friends. That's not independence, mother. I spend all my time with my friends on the internet. In fact I'm DEPENDENT on my friends online. But wherever I am, the internet stays with me. I'll always have my friends there. They won't move away from me. They go off to other colleges, but I'll still get to be with them every day. The internet is my security blanket. And though the dynamic is different, I'll still be able to communicate with my real life friends through the net. Maybe that's why I started getting resentful of Matt's pool and dinner and a movie parties. Let the separation from this group of friends be gradual, I thought. Matt clearly wanted as much time with us as possible before he left, but I wanted the opposite. Get used to the new online dynamic now, because that's all you'll get in the future. It's a horrible, stilted view of the world, but hey, it works for me. I'd miss out on all the fun we have together, conversing over dinner and t00bing about in the pool, but I'd also save myself the pain of separating from such good friends and losing that dynamic with them. I guess there's nothing left to do now but figure it out as I go along. This entry is long enough, and I have to go resell my books. Priscilla said at 10:49 AM
Thursday, August 14, 2003
![]() The first installment of 1602 had me in an uncontrollable fit of giggles. I'm now rereading to see what jokes I missed when I didn't know what to look for. Here's hoping we have a certain German in our future!
EDIT: ::chokes at the Ballad of the Fantastick:: How do I love you, Neil Gaiman; let me count the ways. Peter Parquagh... ::snorks:: Priscilla said at 4:30 PM ![]() Weird Al = *dies of joy*
Pics and suchlike tomorrow morning. Or rather, this morning. *falls unconscious* Priscilla said at 1:52 AM
Wednesday, August 13, 2003
![]() *is unable to stop looking at even the FIRST PAGE of Wolves in the Walls*
Holy cow, Dave McKean is my GOD. Priscilla said at 3:31 PM ![]() Hurrah! About a week ago, I found out that there's a comics store just a few blocks from my house. I decided to try it out today when I went to pick up 1602, Neil's latest comic offering. I wish I had discovered this place earlier! This is the first time I've ever been in a comics store and not been gawked at for being a girl. And the sales people were awesome. I had forgotten that "Wolves in the Walls" had just come out, so I got of that, too. So glee! It's Keith's Comics for me now. At least, for the next 10 days until I leave for Philadelphia. Yarr.
On the plus side... *loads up all Gaiman-y goodness in the hopes that I may meet him at the Bryn Mawr orientation* Now it's just a matter of Priscilla said at 3:23 PM ![]() Priscilla said at 12:39 PM ![]() Ripping pages from Sam and Brenna's books: GOALS FOR THE NEW SCHOOL YEAR
Priscilla said at 12:24 PM ![]() Renata: okay, i just told myself that i have to type a page before i can look at your ims ^_^ so if there's a long pause, that's why
Pris: hee! Wow, my presence is being used as a motivational tool! I feel so special! Renata: hee, priscilla is a tool *giggles* Pris: hey, if I have to be a tool, at least I'm a tool for good, and not evil. Pris: You, meanwhile are a tool for evil. How did I get distracted from WIAN? Bad Priscellie! (Shoulder Devil: But Priscilla.... K/O fluff! Shoulder Angel: *looks up from K/O goodness* Erm, be good! Work on WIAN! *goes back to K/O* Yeah, I'll be cheering for you and all that...) Renata: teehee Renata: yay, wian Pris: *goes back to WIAN like a good girl* Pris: *okay, the only reason she's going back to WIAN is she finished reading the new posts in F&A* Renata: maybe you'd be more motivated if you sprinkled pictures of shirtless alan throughout the etymology Pris: Dude, that would be fabulous! Renata: *giggles and goes back to page.. 4* Pris: And the word "thestral" comes from... erm... *stares* turn to page 15, er 17, class. Renata: teehee Renata: yay, shirtless alan. Pris: glee! Renata: i mean... harry potter etymology. Pris: wah Renata: that could be your new slogan Pris: good plan! Pris: "See ALAN CUMMING SHIRTLESS! I mean a bunch of speculation as to what the names of stuff means and yeah I think I'll go away now ignore me wah. Priscilla said at 2:13 AM
Tuesday, August 12, 2003
![]() Sam! You are EVIL and unfit to bear my children! Once you get into the mindset, these Quidditch-as-a-metaphor-for-sex references just don't stop, do they? Looking up stuff for WIAN, I see that "bludger" is Australian slang for a pimp. And reading to my parents, I was amused to note that on James' exam paper, he chooses to draw Lily's initials and a golden snitch. And Alicey and I concur that the phrase "Apparently it is for an incredibly wet Quidditch game" from a TLC article is wrong, wrong, wrong.
Gah, am I ever going to stop thinking in these terms? Probably not. CURSE YOU, SAM! CURSE YOU TO THE DEPTHS OF HELL! May you be forced to read every single one of the "Fics with 'Veil' in the Title" you've been collecting. Priscilla said at 10:48 PM ![]() ::grooves:: Weird Al concert tomorrow!
GLEE! Priscilla said at 9:36 PM ![]() Wow. It occurs to me that I've written remarkably little about what's going on in my life, versus what's going on online. So let's rememdy that!
The other night, I went to the party for Burkhead's CD Release. She's joined the League of Hockaday Songwriters including Harriet Schock (a rather well-known songwriter from my parents' generation and my dad's high school girlfriend XD), and Lisa Loeb, with honorary member Robin Macy, a Math teacher at Hockaday and a founding member of the Dixie Chicks. She and her "band" seranaded us as we munched on barbeque and caught up with friends. She played all the songs on her CD (7, I believe), then did "Wizard of My Heart" solo as an encore, to the delight of her fans. "Harry Potter, oh how I love you, I think I'm going to kill Hermione" and "If I can't have you, I'll settle for Ron." I love that song. Burkhead is my musical hero. We were disappointed that she didn't sing "Government Conspiracy" or "I Wanna Be a Teenybopper," but oh well. She is but one woman. And she will totally rock Davidson. Priscilla said at 7:05 PM ![]() My 1st semester Penn Schedule because you asked politely.
ARTH 255-001: Renaissance Art History CSE 120-001: Programming Languages & Technology CSE 130-102: Programming Languages & Technology (Lab) FNAR 523-404: Drawing I (prerequisite for every art class and their dog) MATH 104-004: Calculus (with Crotty, supposedly beyond rockin') MATH 104-236: Calculus (Recitation) MUSC 014-301: 20th Century Songwriting (will rock all socks) W00t to the 00t! Glee! Priscilla said at 6:43 PM ![]() Does anyone remember which Discworld book the phrase "wizard wheeze" appeared? Pure curiosity, here.
Edit: Ah, here we go. Jingo! 71-hour-Ahmed. God bless e-texts! Does anyone know where this phrase originated? I've seen it in Molesworth as well. 50 points to the house of your choice. Priscilla said at 5:21 PM ![]() All worship Kell's new layout!
Priscilla said at 10:44 AM
Monday, August 11, 2003
![]() Priscilla said at 4:11 PM ![]() Wah. Just spent 44 minutes on hold with Tech Support. Modern technology = evil.
Priscilla said at 12:27 PM ![]() Whoo! My class schedule kicks the heiney of your class schedule! Bow before my schedule's infinite hotness, worms!
Priscilla said at 11:42 AM ![]() OCed with Alicey tonight! Whee!
Priscilla said at 1:40 AM
Sunday, August 10, 2003
![]() NO WONDER I couldn't find the reference to "Longbottom Leaf" in my copy of LOTR. It's missing the first 14 pages of the prologue of "Fellowship!" Pfft! *jots down the reference from TTT*
Priscilla said at 7:30 PM ![]() Huzzah! Too bad I'll be nearly 81 at the time. *cowers from QueerasJohn* Priscilla said at 5:26 PM ![]() Huzzah! And a fabulous end to a rather wretched day. I have officially lost my "Rocky Horror" virginity with full honors! Bonuses include participation in lesbian sex scene and a free t-shirt. Huzzah! And it was good to see Casper again (despite the fact that he's 16, he's in the cast), and it was great to finally get to meet Sue, one of Burkhead and Marcelina's best friends from their old school. Glee!
I'd post more, but it's three in the morning. G'night. Priscilla said at 3:57 AM
Saturday, August 09, 2003
![]() Okay, now feeling much better. Sam, Jen, Alicey, and Moni are worth more than the weight of the entire fandom in gold. The previous rant, however, stays. I'm not going to apologize for writing what I feel in my own personal journal.
Priscilla said at 10:09 PM ![]() AAAAAAAAAARRRGH.
That's all I'm saying. It's always so refreshing to learn there are people combing my blog for things to use against me. AAAARGH, the little fink! I'm so sick of him! Stop emailing me! Why won't he just let byegones be byegones and LEAVE ME ALONE? I'm not. saying. a WORD. ::clenches teeth and screams:: (Don't ask. It doesn't concern any of you. It just needed to be said.) Priscilla said at 8:43 PM ![]() "Everything I Need To Know I Learned From Harry Potter Fanfic"
We are a sick, sick fandom, and I love every minute of it. Priscilla said at 12:35 AM
Friday, August 08, 2003
![]() *is amused beyond words*
Priscilla said at 6:44 PM ![]() Pris: Okay, we need a "thereloveisso..." for Lockhart/Snape.
Jen: *dies* Sam: TheirloveissoWRONGANDBAD Pris: *laughs* Sam: Theirloveissoshinyhaired. Jen: theirloveissoduelingclub Pris: hee! Sam: There's a good one! Jen: theirloveisso, er.... *thinking* Jen: I like the shinyhair Sam: theirloveissoawkwardlyfamous. Sam: theirloveissophotogenic? Pris: theirloveissoinfamous? Jen: theirloveissonarcissistic Pris: hee Sam: Theirloveissoprofessorial Pris: I think my favourite so far is Chris Rankin/Sean Biggerstaff. Theirloveissoheterosexual. Sam: Now i'm lost Pris: Apparently, every time someone asks Sean about his friendship with Chris (innocently), he shouts "I'm not gay!" Sam: ROFL! Sam: Theirloveissocloset Jen: lol Sam: I'm still with Harry/Draco on theirloveissohate Jen: oh yeah Pris: hee, I love that one. Pris: Maybe theirloveissoawkward? Sam: theirloveissomisplaced. Pris: hee Jen: theirloveissoexasperating Sam: theirlovehasshinysmiles Pris: theirloveissorandom? or theirloveissofandom? Jen: lol Sam: theirloveissosquick Pris: theirloveisamusingashell Jen: theirloveissoannoying Pris: but it's not! it's hilarious! Sam: theirloveissoexplosive Pris: theirloveissodisarming!!! Ourconversationsaresot00bish. Priscilla said at 12:01 AM
Thursday, August 07, 2003
![]() ::dies:: If Howard Dean wasn't already guaranteed my vote, he would now. He uses the word "Zounds!" <3333333333333333
Priscilla said at 6:01 PM ![]() ::dies laughing:: Sam, can you post this to DeadSirius? As if we needed further proof that JK Rowling is a sick, sick woman. XD
Priscilla said at 12:09 AM
Wednesday, August 06, 2003
![]() Snippets found from a chat a while ago:
Sam: You know, I think I dislike people who have LJs for their cats. Pris: I think I would have to agree. Sam: a cat's life is simply not that interesting. And I know people who could use that LJ code. Pris: "Hairball count: 4, bowls of cat food: 2, cigarettes: 0" Pris: What's this smirking all about? Sam: Percy being evil. She'd just hit the point where he was being a twit, and she was smirking cos Moni was on her case about making Percy evil in her fanfic. Pris: But... but... he is not evil! Sam: Of course not *patpat* Pris: *sniffles* He's making the ultimate sacrifice for his family! It's all an act! It's necessary! He's just misquided! Wah! *bawls* Sam: *continues to pat* Pris: thanks, I needed that. Sam: "belated teenage rebellion". That's all it is. Pris: yes. That's Theory #2. I think I'll write an essay and categorize them. Sam: Get down with your bad self. Pris: Or maybe, Percy is secretly THE KING OF SIAM! Priscilla said at 6:14 PM ![]() Priscilla said at 11:34 AM ![]() I've been thinking. I'm considering asking Steve Vander Ark if WIAN could be part of the Lexicon. A merging of sorts. He has such a wealth of material etymology-wise, but because he essentially leaves the etymology up to me (he says on his website to visit WIAN, as "there's no use reinventing the wheel"), I feel I'm crippling the Lexicon somewhat. It would be better for both worlds. And I think I'd be a lot more motivated to work on WIAN if my feedback was coming from someone other than a bunch of 12-year-olds convinced that the name "Lockhart" came from a Final Fantasy character (yes, this actually happened. Kill me.).
I have a lot of ideas about ways to expand WIAN and improve it as a teacher's resource, but it's been so low on the priority list that I haven't done much work on it. This would definitely help me bite the bullet and get to work. And I really need a change in scenery anyway. This way I wouldn't have to try to figure out a new layout, too! Priscilla said at 12:30 AM
Tuesday, August 05, 2003
![]() Quizlove. Kill me.
You excel at Defense Against the Dark Arts. Which is really good because who knows when you'll run into that disgruntle troll or banshee going through menopause. Which Class at Hogwarts Would You Excel at? I'm very amused by the acronym "DA." Do they realize that's another name for the "Duck's Ass" quiff hairstyle? Your pirate name is: Red Grace Flint Passion is a big part of your life, which makes sense for a pirate. Like the rock flint, you're hard and sharp. But, also like flint, you're easily chipped, and sparky. Arr! Arr! Shiver me timbers, I be sparky! Priscilla said at 11:18 PM ![]() Working on my Percy treatise, I have come to the conclusion that every single one of Percy's family memebers except for Mrs. Weasley (and maybe Ginny) is an utter jerk, and that Dumbledore is a sick, twisted, demented old man. ::gets back to work, thoroughly disgruntled::
Priscilla said at 4:59 PM ![]() Whee! Renata's fame continues!
From Neil's blog: Dear Neil, The Zorya sisters (American Gods) has something to do with some mythology storie? If the answer is positive, what storie? Darlene, the brazilian girl and Being as how there's new improved version of American Gods coming out, has there been any thought about an annotated version? While I can certainly understand people desire for new fiction over retreads of older works I can't imagine any one not wanting to know just who those background characters were or to have a little bit of "real world" history on the characters that take major roles. both made me think of the site at http://www.frowl.org/gods/, where you can go to find out a little more about the various gods of American Gods (including the Zorya). (And there's more on the Zorya here.) Yaaaaay, Renata! *hearts* Priscilla said at 2:42 PM
Monday, August 04, 2003
![]() Priscilla said at 11:45 PM ![]() HP Meme! Ganked from the the lovely lady in the second row.
HP Book: Chamber of Secrets. No one appreciates it anymore. HP Character: Percy, of course. In fact, I'm even more comitted to him after OoP. Heck, he's even more controversial than Snape! Hogwarts House: Ravenclaw. Gryffindor is way to generic for my tastes. XD Teacher: I would most like to have Lupin as a teacher, but I adore Trelawney. And McGonagall rocks the casbah. Creature: Mooncalf! The truth is out there! (And I can definitely say my LEAST favourite creature is the Billywig. Curse you, overenthusiastic WIAN submitters! *hiss*) Candy: I'd say Chocolate Frogs, but Steve's insight into Phineas Nigellus and the ability for a wizard to spy through portraits leaves me creeped out about the cards. Book Cover: US OoP. Harry doesn't look like a complete dweeb for once! Though I'm also quite fond of UK's PoA cover. Chapter: the Shrieking Shack scene! Quote or Phrase: Joint-Christmas presents! Marauder: Whoever wrote this is sadistic. Lupin, I guess. Weasley: Percy, pbthhh. Type of Owl: Quoi? Sorting Hat Song: The original PS song! It can be sung to the tune of the "Gilligan's Island" theme. Muggle/Squib: The woman at the zoo that gives Harry a Lemon ice. Dragon: Erm... are we supposed to think about these things? Members of the Order: Tonks, hands down. Hogsmeade Shop: Zonko's! Favorite Magazine or Newspaper: The Quibbler Color Dress Robe: *stares* Blue? What in gravy? Invisibility Cloak Event: The end of PoA Death Eater: Snape, because he's the only Death Eater with a bit of meat to his story. Though the WIAN-nerd within me gives several sets of thumbs-up to Bellatrix's name. ::salutes JKR:: Obstacle in the Philosopher's Stone: the chess set! Weasley is our Wand Type: I'm intrigued by the heavy bit of foreshadowing surrounding Cedric's unicorn tail hair. Spell: Aberforth Dumbledore's "inappropriate charms on a goat." Unforgivable Curse: Imperius. It's intriguing. Cruciatus is too violent for my tastes and Avada Kedavra lacks a certain style. DADA Teacher: Gilderoy Lockhart! And by saying so, I probably become the first person to take this quiz that does not put Lupin. Gryffindor: Percy, of course. Moving on. Ravenclaw: Roger Davies, because his name is so close to a character from RENT. Hufflepuff: Cedric, because Maggie would stab me to death with my own Wacom stylus if I said anything else. Close up second is Zacharias Smith, who is the best thing to ever happen to Hufflepuff because it showed us that they can be total jerks, too. Slytherin: Tom Riddle! Ghost: Nearly-Headless Nick, because he gets his name from "Jabberwocky." Centaur: Bane, because he has the most etymologically significant name. Quidditch Position: Keeper. I was always fond of playing Goalie in soccer. Skiving Snackbox: Fainting Fancies. How are you supposed to administer the antidote to yourself? Pensieve Memory: Snape's Worst Memory, full of Marauder-y goodness. Harry or Ron: Ron. He's so clueless and amusing. And he doesn't speak in Caps-Lock for 5 paragraphs straight. Ron or Hermione: Hermione, because she makes me seem downright unobsessive in comparison! Hermione or Cho: Hermione! The fanon was right about you, Cho! Cho or Ginny: Ginny! Despite worrisome Mary Sue-like tendencies, we'll always love ya. Dumbledore or McGonagall: Pre-OOP: Dumbledore. Post-OOP: McGonagall all the way! Snape or Lucius: Snape! The man is bordering on 4-dimensional. Sirius or Lupin: Curse you, quiz writer! Let's see, what did I say for the Marauders? Lupin? So I'll say Sirius here to balance out the love. Draco or Tom: Tom! Draco is so last season. Actually, I've never liked Draco, so it all works. Draco or Harry: How's this? I would like to hit both of them in the face with a sledgehammer. Snape or Sirius: Sirius. Tough break, Sev. James or Sirius: I have great and t00by love for James, but my love for Sirius is deeper and more enduring. Take that! Fred or George: George, of course. How could you even ask a question as obvious as that? Molly Weasley or Arthur Weasley: Arthur. I need a shirt that says "I Collect Plugs." Seamus or Dean: Dean. While he does not have a lovely Irish accent, he is a fellow artist, so huzzah. Fleur or Cho: Fleur! Fleur/Percy is the new... erm... I dunno, Fleur/Bill or something. Theirloveissogeekchic. Fudge or Umbridge: Umbridge. Her unflinching evil is intriguing. What traumatized YOU as a child? Fudge is dull as dirt, though his fashion sense is tempting. Harry or Hermione: Hermione. We've established in the previous pairs that Harry < Ron < Hermione in my heirarchy. Hedwig or Crookshanks: Crookshanks! Because we just know you're in reality Professor McGonagall's illegitimate love-child by some Muggle Persian tomcat. Uncle Vernon or Aunt Petunia: Petunia, because we knew there was something fishy about you as soon as we learned you have two fireplaces, one real and one electric. Moody or Tonks: Tonks! All of Moody's apparent coolness turned out to be PseudoMoody, poor sod. Priscilla said at 6:21 PM ![]() Whee! Cleaning out my closet, I found "Percy is God and Boba Fett" shirt, my "Molybdenum is the Answer" shirt, and my Weasley sweater! All knitty and maroon and blue for Penn (color v. off in photo), with a P that could stand for Priscilla or Penn or Percy. *squeals* My daddy rocks.
Glee! They've been lost for ages! Awww, I wish I'd done this before Nimbus! I would have liked to bring them and show them off. <33333333 Swussian Capitalist and my daddy! Priscilla said at 5:18 PM ![]() Quote of the Day: "I went to see PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN for the second time, tonight. Tell me, why does Johnny Depp have to be so hot, married to a supermodel, and living in Paris? That sort of sexiness should not be squandered on one woman, but shared, like a perpetual natural resource, which we could bottle and export to other countries which may be starving for moody weirdos with chocolate brown eyes and pouty lips." --Vavoomy
Priscilla said at 2:47 PM ![]() See the final communal blog between me and Renata ici, chez Boron. Wah, you're still in our driveway and I miss you already!
Priscilla said at 12:38 PM ![]() MUAHAHAHAHAH!!!! REVENGE OF THE COMMUNAL BLOG!
Priscilla and Renata blogging together again, after wreaking mayhem for merriment all across Dallas and the surrounding environs. Today, we flailed about at Half-Price Books, played profuse amounts of Harry Potter UNO, went bowling with Burkhead (did you fall asleep, Chungy? Where were you?), then ate dinner at the Magic Time Machine, a crazyfun restaurant in which the servers dress as various amusing fictional characters. Ours was the Big Bad Wolf -- it was really amusing to watch Renata's dad as he attempted to assert his status as Alpha Male. Picture glee! Amusing products and such at Half-Price Books. "taH pagh taHbe'!" Do you even need to ask who? Whiskey-Tango-Foxtrot? Best book section EVARRRRR (unless there was a Pirates section we missed) And now, Renata talks as I download the bowling pictures... *swivels around in chair, stroking madcat* er... i mean.. hello there ^_^ (note: in case you, like priscilla, missed the reference, madcat was claw's cat on inspector gadget.) aaanywho. yay, i get to spend another night en la casa de priscilla! but tomorrow i must be off, to visit the cockroach hall of fame (in plano!) with my family. but, most excellent good fun was had today, despite me and priscilla's lack of ability to do things in real life. ("i feel like i should be typing!") erm... stuff and junk. (btw, if priscilla were a president, she'd be baberaham lincoln.) Oh, yes! Bowling! I forgot to mention that I prodded ridiculous amounts of buttock. Ph34r my 1337 bowling skillz! Names: (* denotes a name given by another) Img 1, Img 2 Renata: (bowling a strike in said image, w00t!) Redooom, Renarrrta, Boo Boo Kitty Feck, NonAlcoholic Lager. Burkhead: Hugh Jass, Twiggy Galore*, Xena, Olsen Twin*, Still The Prettiest, Slashtastic*, I Hate Priscilla. Priscilla: Baberaham, John Dark, God and Boba Fett, Schnooglebamf, I Eat Babies*, Mrs. Wagner, Bite Me Burkhead. Now we're listening to music in other languages. I introduced Renata to Zdob si Zdub and she played a Stuart Davis song in Classical Latin. Good times, good times. Arrrrrrr! Priscilla said at 12:34 AM
Sunday, August 03, 2003
![]() When our fandoms combine...
Mentos, the freshmaker Lincoln, the emancipator And again! Priscilla takes on the Harry Potter fandom! Renata OWNZ NEIL! ... we have too much free time! (actually, we don't. Our fandoms keep us quite busy. In fact, what do fandomless people DO with their time? *goggles*) Priscilla said at 1:32 AM ![]() Squee! Renata and Priscellie, blogging together once more and with feeling! For those that are not psychic, Renata Y!Med, commented (in both our blogs), and emailed me informing me that her family would be swinging through Dallas on their way home from Mexico so that we could chill and t00b about merrily. So far, we have enjoyed Chinese food (and laughed at our fortune cookies) and nummy ice cream/gelato stuff. Whatever shall we do tomorrow? We have not decided, but all we can say is WATCH OUT, DALLAS! THE LINCOLNITES ARE ABROAD! *insert cackle here*
Ooh! Speaking of Lincolnites, Renata gave me an uberuberuberuberkeen pen that she got in Mexico. SQUEE!!! Ha, Rebecca, I don't think the guy has ever made a Cult of Wilson pen! *blows raspberry* mwahaha, renata is blogging! (note the telltale lack of capitalization. and forgive any typos, i've adapted to mexican keyboards.) i'm so merry! i didn't think i was going to be able to make it to dallas, because my parents are slooow. we spent 1 and a half hours in a liquor store, because the owner was showing them his rattlesnakes. (that sounds like a euphemism. but, it isn't.)and i was SO giddy all day because i wanted to see priscilla!!! and now, i am! yaaaay! *flails merrily* and, that's about all i have to say. Priscilla said at 12:23 AM
Saturday, August 02, 2003
![]() Bedhead! Beadhead! Bedhead! *flails, squeals, and dies happy*
Priscilla said at 6:16 PM ![]() Presenting Reason #756,398,437 I love my Daddy.
Professor Dolores Jane Umbridge. She's so delightfully horrible! XD Priscilla said at 5:05 PM
Friday, August 01, 2003
![]() Quote of the Day:
Sam: Are you ready for smutty smut smut? Jen: Bring it on. Sam is writing Percy/Fleur for me and Monica! Yaaaaaaay, we loff you Sam! *schnoogles* Priscilla said at 11:41 PM ![]() Just got back from Burkhead's Harry Potter Birthday Bash, which would be more appropriately named "The Weasley and Oliver Wood Squealfest" or "Hogwarts Hottiefest." We watched both movies, and I again reaffirmed my desire to have fifty thousand of Bedhead!Percy's babies.
Pictures! Priscilla said at 3:28 PM Title cartoon by Bruce Eric Kaplan, used without permission. ![]() |
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